Job title: Business Administrator
As Business Administrator for McLean County Farm Bureau® you will oversee the business operations and office functions of our not-for-profit and its affiliated organizations of McLean County Fair and McLean [Read More...]
FFA Acquaintance Day brought more than 190 sophomores from nine local high schools. The FFA members explored agricultural careers, gained team working experience and learned about McLean County Farm Bureau and affiliated companies.
University of [Read More...]
A $9,780 capital grant from McLean County Farm Bureau helped Prairie Central High School purchase new small engine equipment for their remodeled and expanded agricultural shop space.
We’re happy to help our local high school agricultural [Read More...]
Illinois is in the top four states for highest reported confined ag space cases, according to a recent summary of last year’s frequency and causes [Read More...]
It's only September, but Tom Eickman of Eickman’s Meat Processing has had Christmas on his mind since April. As the third-generation operator of the [Read More...]
Dan Meinhart, a FarmWeek CropWatcher from Jasper County, began corn harvest last week. "The yield is good," he said. Bean harvest began over the [Read More...]
Illinois Farm Bureau's Adopt-A-Legislator program helps to educate urban legislators about agriculture and rural life. More than 20 adopted [Read More...]
Mathew Heberling might as well have been getting into a time machine when he stepped into the combine. He recently harvested corn trials at one of [Read More...]