A $9,780 capital grant from McLean County Farm Bureau helped Prairie Central High School purchase new small engine equipment for their remodeled and expanded agricultural shop space.
We’re happy to help our local high school agricultural education programs upgrade their facilities and equipment to provide better learning opportunities for students,” says Brian Dirks, McLean County Farm Bureau President. “Our goal is to support strong local high school agriculture programs to give students opportunities to learn about and explore ag-related careers.”
Prairie Central FFA used the capital grant funds to purchase equipment and tools for
eight small engine learning stations including the engines, rolling tool carts and tools.
“The capital grant from McLean County Farm Bureau allowed us to purchase small
engine equipment to provide practical, experience-based learning in agricultural mechanics,” says Becky Freed, Prairie Central ag teacher and FFA Advisor. “Students are able to engage in a hands-on lab space that will help develop skills related to small engine repair and maintenance.”
The small engine learning lab is part of a major renovation and expansion for the agriculture department at Prairie Central High School. The new addition includes a new ag
classroom as well as three shop spaces – the small engine lab space plus one for animal/meat science and a larger shop space for bigger equipment.
The animal/meat science lab is equipped with walk-in cooler space to allow students to learn about meat processing.
“We are sincerely thankful for McLean County Farm Bureau’s continued support of agricultural education and FFA programs in McLean County,” Freed says. “The skills students learn can lead into a career after high school or provide students important life skills as they move into adulthood.”
The FFA Capital Grant program, established in 2021, is available to all high school agriculture programs that serve McLean County students. To date, the program has awarded more than $75,000 to five local chapters. To learn more visit mcfb.org/grants