MCFB Helps Local FFA Chapters Build for the Future

Olympia FFA receives a $10,200 grant to upgrade their school greenhouse.

McLean County Farm Bureau awarded $15,000 in FFA Capital Grants for Prairie Central FFA to purchase new classroom lab tables and to help Olympia FFA renovate their school’s greenhouse.

“We’re happy to help our local high school agricultural education programs upgrade their facilities and build capacity for future students,” says Mark Hines, McLean County Farm Bureau President.

Olympia FFA plans to use their $10,200 grant as part of a large project to upgrade the school’s more than 20-year-old greenhouse with new plastic coverings, growing benches, additional concrete and to update the environmental control system.

“The greenhouse renovations will benefit our students by allowing them to learn about plant care, propagation, nutrients and greenhouse management in up-to-date facilities,” says Bryce Hoffman, agriculture teacher and FFA advisor at Olympia High School. “Students will also have the opportunity to gain business and marketing skills in preparing the plants and greenhouse for our annual plant sale.”

Prairie Central FFA receives $4,800 Capital Grant

Prairie Central FFA will use their $4,800 grant to purchase 12 science lab tables as part of a classroom remodel.

“The new lab tables in our ag department will allow Prairie Central agricultural education students to conduct labs in class and expand our agri-science opportunities,” says Beck Freed, agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor at Prairie Central High School. “We are so very thankful to the McLean County Farm Bureau for providing this grant opportunity.”

The FFA Capital Grant program, established by McLean County Farm Bureau in 2021, is available to all high school agriculture programs that serve McLean County students. More information is available at